
Showing posts with label Brainstorming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brainstorming. Show all posts

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter Sunday.

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Happy Easter Sunday, Lovies! 

In my basket, all the eggs are pink and purple and includes a copy of InStyle, British Edition, the April '15 issue. 

Surprise, surprise. Hehe...

So—I'm in the midst of creating an editorial calendar i.e. new content for And the mission to inspire (person)al style and individualism will remain a goal, I pinky swear!

In the interim, if you want to pull together a stylish Easter outfit and need an idea, click here to read a past post of mine. Also, I share a sea of visuals, style tips, and tricks via Tumblr

Enjoy! XoXo —nikki | @nikkistyle on Twitter

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Too Many Magazines. What To Do? FAB Readers, YIKES, Help Me Out.

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Brainstorming! I have 7 years worth of magazines, yes seven. That's a whole lot of time to be collecting something; what you see in the [image above] is not even a 1/4.

I started to, unintentionally, build a magazine collection around the same time I started blogging about fashion, style, and beauty. Magazine articles and images gave me inspiration for new blog posts, encouraged me to stay current with what's trending, what's hot, what's not, as well as allowed me to gain a better understanding about the publishing industry as a whole. I enjoyed staying in-the-know regarding staff movement (i.e. new EICs, new editors, new writers, new contributors, etc.), and still do! Furthermore, it's really interesting to learn how readers respond to selected mag content, via social media.

Photo Credit: Social Ribbit
But I'm faced with having to make a decision: What should I do with all these magazines? Sure, I will certainly continue to store the glossies that I know I will refer back to which consist of my fave articles and cover stories. But other than that, what do I do with the rest? I thought about charity, or giving some to a University—ugh I just want to see my beloved magazines be put to good use. So, I'm making it my mission to figure out a plan: And I'll create a mind-map to help me brainstorm ;)

Aside from recycling and creating personal collages and vision boards, what have you done with your old(er) magazines? 

Talk to me: , or @nikkistyle
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