
Showing posts with label Donating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donating. Show all posts

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Too Many Magazines. What To Do? FAB Readers, YIKES, Help Me Out.

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Brainstorming! I have 7 years worth of magazines, yes seven. That's a whole lot of time to be collecting something; what you see in the [image above] is not even a 1/4.

I started to, unintentionally, build a magazine collection around the same time I started blogging about fashion, style, and beauty. Magazine articles and images gave me inspiration for new blog posts, encouraged me to stay current with what's trending, what's hot, what's not, as well as allowed me to gain a better understanding about the publishing industry as a whole. I enjoyed staying in-the-know regarding staff movement (i.e. new EICs, new editors, new writers, new contributors, etc.), and still do! Furthermore, it's really interesting to learn how readers respond to selected mag content, via social media.

Photo Credit: Social Ribbit
But I'm faced with having to make a decision: What should I do with all these magazines? Sure, I will certainly continue to store the glossies that I know I will refer back to which consist of my fave articles and cover stories. But other than that, what do I do with the rest? I thought about charity, or giving some to a University—ugh I just want to see my beloved magazines be put to good use. So, I'm making it my mission to figure out a plan: And I'll create a mind-map to help me brainstorm ;)

Aside from recycling and creating personal collages and vision boards, what have you done with your old(er) magazines? 

Talk to me: , or @nikkistyle
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Saturday, November 30, 2013

The "Good" Citizen :) 'Tis The Season To Donate Used/Not-So-Used Goods

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Life & Style Notes! I spent a chunk of time yesterday reorganizing my closet and parting ways with things that I haven't worn, or used in forever. If I haven't touched something in my closet in the last 3 years (excluding vintage), I will most likely sever ties. For example, I've been holding on to a red Baby Phat clutch for several years -- need I say more? That said, I never throw things away as someone else could possibly use them.

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Dress For Success Charity Drive
Donating to charity is one of my civic duties... organizations like Dress for Success will accept clothing donations at affiliate locations around the world, specifically business attire and accessories for disadvantage women who aspire to thrive in the business world. Moreover, earlier this year, Elle published a fab list of places to donate clothing, and I encourage you all to take a look! Honestly, I never understood why/how people could trash perfectly good clothes. C'mon. Really? Simply box them up ... D O N A T E

Friday, January 13, 2012

On My Desk (Today): Magazines, Water & Other Necessities

Magazine Chat! Marie Claire? Check. A couple issues of US Weekly? Check. Water? Check. Scissors for clipping articles? Check. Pink Sharpie? Check. And if you're wondering what the ruler is for...I use it as a bookmark, don't ask.

Sharing Is Caring. Everyone's talking about resolutions for the New Year, so I will share one of mine. Ready? I ditched my morning cup of hot coffee entirely, and now drinking about 4(ish) bottles of water a day, which is almost the recommended eight glasses — go resolutions! But I'm secretly praying that I don't give in to the caffeine.

Spotlight On A Great Cause
Now, back to magazine chat. I usually indulge in Marie Claire, but definitely made sure to pick-up this month's issue as the following demanded my attention: Buy this issue & a donation goes to women in need. What a neat marketing tactic! You got my support, Marie ;)

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