
Showing posts with label Magazine Covers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magazine Covers. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Print Media Still Has A Pulse: September Issues On Newsstands

Photo credit:

September's Trending! The other day me and probably 99.9 percent of the fashion industry scurried to pick-up every September issue pertaining to style and beauty. We've been also "liking" photo-after-photo on Instagram of fashion enthusiasts proudly showing off their stacks. September issues are generally finger-licking thick, and consists of overwhelming amounts of ads and free sample perfume scents. Speaking of size, Self is the thinnest magazine in my pile. (Ha!) Pun intended, or nah?  

Photo Credit: Google
I spend a lot of time studying and analyzing content and creative direction. Like reading, it's my way to escape into the creative minds of brilliant individuals in the world. Sometimes I'm so wow'ed by an ad -- that I fixate on it and often wonder what the brainstorming session(s) was like -- to produce such a magnificent concept. I'm a geek like that! Also, I have a keen eye for good journalism and do read selected stories (what's left of them), as well as stay on top of emerging runway and pop culture fashion trends.

Print's Alive. Come. On. I know I'm not the only one that enjoys the hands-on experience of touching and reading a magazine while sipping a latte...and clipping outfits to post on (mood) bulletin boards...and bookmarking articles using colorful post-it sticky notes. Right? Well. Let us be sure to bask in these moment, because the conversation about whether or not print media is dying a slow death is still up for debate.

"Print vs. Digital" talks are interesting as it relates to evolution, for sure. However, we must consider the consumer in efforts to keep a thoughtful, sustainable balance: Not every reader has the means to purchase, nor has access to, technology. And (holy catastrophe) what if the world goes dark for weeks with no electricity and mobile data - then what?

Dear Publishing Industry: We can't go full-blown digital yet; we're not ready on so many levels. Disclaimer: I'm not bias and this is not an attempt to save print. Okay, yeah it is.


Photo Credit: Root Studio (Print vs. Digital), Mind Your Black Business (Infographic)

Monday, July 27, 2015


More Shuffling At Condé Nast. Yes. By now we know that print magazines are struggling at the newsstand. Lucky magazine unfortunately has become unlucky and according to WWD, SELF magazine could merge with Allure magazine.  

Now wait a minute.

Historically, SELF focused on fitness and health whilst Allure generated content — specifically, about beauty and how-to obtain a beat face. At first I was confused by the alleged merge, hence the Huh? Nicki Minaj head tilt pic. Because there's clearly a distinction in terms of readership: To this day, SELF generally targets fitness enthusiasts; Allure targets the beauty-obsessed. Right...?

But in efforts for corporate (Condé Nast) to perhaps "make nice" with the bottom line of its Profit and Loss statement, I suppose the merge is necessary from a financial standpoint and could potentially work, content-wise, as most of us strive to become our very best alluring selves. Coined!

The New York Post joined the media frenzy and published an article last week (July 23rd), "Three Condé Nast magazines might not exist in print soon."
The buzz inside Condé Nast, according to one well-placed source, is that there could be some major publisher consolidations — with certain bosses being asked to take on group publisher roles that will allow Condé Nast to consolidate the digital reach of related titles. 
There is also buzz around the high-profile publishing house that three titles are on the hot seat — and that at least one is likely to be shuttered. Two others may go digital only. [New York Post]

Do you think print media is dying a slow death?

Photo Credit: SELF
Photo Credit: Allure

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Zoë Kravitz for Nylon

Photo Credit: Nylon
Wicked Cool Cover Shot! Nylon is finally climbing its way to my heart. Nylon's edgy millennium girl (look and feel) is hip and cool and 'oh so' Nasty Gal-esque.

Honestly, the only print copy (of Nylon) I own is the March '15 issue with Rita Ora gracing the cover. And I certainly can't wait to pick-up the August issue, b/c I'm a super denim enthusiast as well as a Zoë Kravitz fan. (You might have a new subscriber soon, Ny!)

It's a breath of fresh air to peep some new flavor on the covers of Nylon. I like to read mainstream fashion magazines that showcases various types of  stylish women. (A+)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter Sunday.

Photo Credit:

Happy Easter Sunday, Lovies! 

In my basket, all the eggs are pink and purple and includes a copy of InStyle, British Edition, the April '15 issue. 

Surprise, surprise. Hehe...

So—I'm in the midst of creating an editorial calendar i.e. new content for And the mission to inspire (person)al style and individualism will remain a goal, I pinky swear!

In the interim, if you want to pull together a stylish Easter outfit and need an idea, click here to read a past post of mine. Also, I share a sea of visuals, style tips, and tricks via Tumblr

Enjoy! XoXo —nikki | @nikkistyle on Twitter

Monday, March 2, 2015

My Mini Mention Makes Glamour!

Note-To-Yourself! When you pick up your copy of Glamour magazine's March issue (yes, when), be sure to flip to page 64 and check-out my mini mention!!!

Seriously. I'm obsessing over a) How awesome it truly is to be mentioned via the spring issue of a major fashion magazine—however small the mention. b) To see my name only pages away from 50 Shades' Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan. Hello? c) To publicly express my love for America's Sweetheart, Reese. Pretty historic. HeHe...

In any event, this is a friendly reminder that very cool people are certainly watching and reading your twitter timeline. With that said, tweet to impress! Opportunity knocks! ;)

Updated 3/3/15 at 9:00 PM:
"Magazine Industry Boasts 10.1% Rise in Readership. For women’s fashion and beauty magazines, the largest audience for the six months was Cosmopolitan (30 million), followed by Glamour (18.3 million)." [Source

Photo Credit: Glamour magazine, March 2015, Page 64
Photo Credit: nikki via Twitter

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Too Many Magazines. What To Do? FAB Readers, YIKES, Help Me Out.

Photo Credit:
Brainstorming! I have 7 years worth of magazines, yes seven. That's a whole lot of time to be collecting something; what you see in the [image above] is not even a 1/4.

I started to, unintentionally, build a magazine collection around the same time I started blogging about fashion, style, and beauty. Magazine articles and images gave me inspiration for new blog posts, encouraged me to stay current with what's trending, what's hot, what's not, as well as allowed me to gain a better understanding about the publishing industry as a whole. I enjoyed staying in-the-know regarding staff movement (i.e. new EICs, new editors, new writers, new contributors, etc.), and still do! Furthermore, it's really interesting to learn how readers respond to selected mag content, via social media.

Photo Credit: Social Ribbit
But I'm faced with having to make a decision: What should I do with all these magazines? Sure, I will certainly continue to store the glossies that I know I will refer back to which consist of my fave articles and cover stories. But other than that, what do I do with the rest? I thought about charity, or giving some to a University—ugh I just want to see my beloved magazines be put to good use. So, I'm making it my mission to figure out a plan: And I'll create a mind-map to help me brainstorm ;)

Aside from recycling and creating personal collages and vision boards, what have you done with your old(er) magazines? 

Talk to me: , or @nikkistyle
Photo Credit:
Related Posts:

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Model Spotlight: Dominique Armorer

Noteworthy! I was not able to find a lot of "press" but from what I have read, International Fashion Model, Dominique Armorer is known to rip the Caribbean runways. According to Coco Velvet International Fashion and Model Mgmt., Dominique was first discovered in San Fernando, Trinidad & Tobago (yasss bish!) — my daaalin' daddy's home country, which is why I had to spotlight Dominique *wink*

In any event, it's no secret that diversity is lacking on fashion runways and in magazines, so I make it my business to shine a light on talented brown beauties that we must pay attention to: Did you hear that mainstream media folks? I'm talking to you! 

Following is Dominique's model stats: Height- 5'10" | Bust- 34 | Waist- 24 | Hips- 34 | Dress- 4 | Shoe- 9.5 | Hair- BLACK | Eyes- BROWN

Click here to browse Dominique's profile, and follow her on Instagram. 

From The Archives
Issue 80 "True Beauty"
Photo Credit: FMD

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Woman Behind Super Soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey {Inspiration}

O magazine, April 2014
Today I am sharing one of my favorite quotes by Oprah  Winfrey about passion. Some people that [I've come into contact with] are reserved when talking about their dreams and aspirations. Perhaps fearful? Truthfully, I find it refreshing to either discuss or discover with family and friends...their true passion...and believe that relationships deepen tremendously.

 “You've got to follow your passion. You've got to figure out what it is you love--who you really are. And have the courage to do that. I believe that the only courage anybody ever needs is the courage to follow your own dreams.” —Oprah 

Lesson Learned: Have open discussions with yourself or with others about what it is that YOU really want in life. I learned that in order to follow your passion you must step outside of your comfort zone. Take calculated risks! The unknown can be scary yet liberating at the same time. Girlfriends, new experiences are priceless. xx :) -ns

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Hey Barbz! Superstar Nicki Minaj Covers Marie Claire In August

Photo Credit:
Nicki Minaj Covers Marie Claire, August 2013

In March, I commented that I was diggin' Nicki Minaj's cover shoot with ELLE magazine (April 2013); her "toned-down" look was much-anticipated — and since then her style has been slowly evolving into something a little less theatrical and outlandish ... many onlookers are giving the head-nod of approval. Indeed change is a wonderful thing. That being said, I do appreciate the fact that Nicki is not losing her overall swag in the midst of the change. Ms. 'Trini To De Bone' is still sassy, still classy (in a bad girl sort of way?), and will not hesitate to speak on issues that matter, such as her experience with bullying as a child to personal opinions about MariahYeah, I had to mention the "feud." Bap! Bap!

Below is a snip-it of Nicki's interview with Marie Claire:
What's one thing that pisses you off instantly? "People who don't own up to their mistakes. They'll make every excuse in the book, as opposed to just saying, ‘Damn, yeah, I f*cked up.'"
Do you work out? If so what’s a normal routine, Nic?!!! "I don't work out. I hate it. I don't mean to sound super-lazy. I tried it for a time. I lost my boobs. When I feel I need to lose weight, I just change what I eat. I cut carbs and sugar. I'll do water and protein and fruit. But I do think that you should work out. My doctor tells me that, and I get it. Do cardio, Barbz."
August issue on newsstands July 16.

Source: Satoshi Saikusa; Marie Claire

Friday, May 24, 2013

Lauren London Covers Vibe VIXEN

Photo Credit: Vibe VIXEN

Mag Notes! Check out actress Lauren London on the cover of Vibe VIXEN, June 2013. I'm a super sucker for eye-catchy magazine cover shoots, as well as DIVERSITY! Seriously, I loathe looking at the same 'ole faces on the cover of glossies (i.e. Beyoncé, Rihanna), and am thrilled to see Lauren come out-of-the-woodwork to grace the cover of Vibe VIXEN. In the interview excerpt below, Lauren reveals her beauty regimen, chats about sneeks -- and I am excited to learn that Miss. London < 3's Rachel Zoe (one of my faves!)

Interview Excerpt: London on Style 'n Beauty
Photo Credit: P. Series Stylist
VIBE Vixen: Tell me about your beauty regimen? What are some of your must-haves? Lauren London: I have to have MAC spiked [eyebrow pencil] and bronzer. 
I know you’re hiding some beauty secrets, too. [Laughs] As  long as your eyebrows are clean and you have a clean face, you’re good to go.  
Any style trends you’re anxious about or that you want to die this summer? I’m really over everyone wearing Jordan’s, even though I wear Jordans [Laughs]. But I’ve been wearing Jordans since ’92. I really want everyone to put it away. 
You don’t believe the girls rocking J’s are real Jordan heads? No. I just feel like there are certain girls that never have worn them before. 
Now, the photo shoot was very 70s inspired. How does that style era influence you today? It influences everything. I love anything inspired by the 70s, from the music to the clothes. Capricorn has this joke that I dress like Stevie Nicks. 
What celebrity or influences out there are killing the style trends across the board? I love anything Cameron Diaz. Gwen Stefani, Victoria Beckham. I like Halle’s style. Charlize, she’s effortless. But I dress more like Drew Barrymore. I want Rachel Zoe’s closet. 
Who doesn’t? Who are your top 3 favorite designers? Alexander McQueen, Givenchy and McCartney. 
If you could design a shoe collection or fashion line, with whom would you want to collab? Rachel Zoe. [Source]

Photo Credit: Vibe VIXEN

Friday, March 15, 2013

WOW! A "Toned-Down" Nicki Minaj Covers ELLE Magazine In April

Photo Credit:
Nicki Minaj Covers Elle, April 2013 

I was speaking with my sister-in-law a few months ago about Nicki Minaj. I told my sis that I couldn't wait to see Nicki reveal another side in terms of personal style—and now look at Nicall toned-down and stuff. Could this be the end of pink wigs and theatrical clothing? Eh, it doesn't matter, as long as she doesn't get rid of the multiple accents!

The following is an excerpt via next month's cover story which I found particularly interesting; the topic of bullying is a brutal issue that's killing our society and we must address it continually. We must SPEAK UP if we witness horrible acts of bullying.
(Interview Excerpt) On experiencing bullying in school as a child: "I went through a lot of bullying early on. Girls made my life a living hell. We had come to America from a different country. My brother and I had accents. It was very tough. So I've always put up this wall— it was a self-defense mechanism growing up— because I was almost expecting people to attack me. And I still have it. It's sad." [Source]
April issue on newsstands March 18.

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Photo Shoot: Beyoncé For GQ

Mag Notes! Well. The rumors are true: Baddie Bey covers GQ  [February 2013].

Interview Excerpt:
On Her Collaborators: "I've been working with Pharrell and Timbaland and Justin Timberlake and Dream. We all started in the '90s, when R&B was the most important genre, and we all kind of want that back: the feeling that music gave us."
On Songwriting: "I used to start with lyrics and then I'd find tracks—often it was something I had in my head, and it just so happened to go with the melody. Now I write with other writers. It starts with the title or the concept of what I'm trying to say, and then I'll go into the booth and sing my idea. Then we work together to layer on."
On The Album's Influences: "Mostly R&B. I always have my Prince and rock/soul influences. There's a bit of D'Angelo, some '60s doo-wop. And Aretha and Diana Ross." 
On Her Inspirations: "Even the silliest little thing that you hear on the radio, it comes from something deeper. 'Bootylicious' was funny, but it came from people saying that I had gained weight and me being like, 'I'm a southern woman, and this is how southern women are.' My motivation is always to express something or to heal from something or to laugh and rejoice about something." [Source]
So, what do you think about Bey's GQ cover? Tell me on Twitter: @nikkistyle

Photo Credit: GQ 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Love. Waist. Drama.

Mag Notes! Disclaimer(everybody knows...) I am pro-healthy eating habits and will always promote diversity in terms of body image (minus the heroin chic look). Moreover, I am in favor of promoting the bodies of 'real' women on my blog. So, it might come across as a bit hypocritical when I say that I'm in awe of Marion Cotillard's cover for W mag, the Dec 2012 issue. Sorry. I just can't deny how intrigued I am by [this] cover. It's H O T, from the fire engine color scheme to the unknown fingers—squeezing in on the gold-belted cinched waist. The concept is artsy as well as a tad futuristic, no?

Read the cover story.

Photo Credit: Facebook  |  Photography by Tim Walker; Style by Jacob K

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

MODEL PROFILE - Daphne Groeneveld Covers W Korea, October 2012

Model Profile
  • Country of Origin: Netherlands 
  • Nationality: Dutch
  • Born: December (1994)
  • Known For: Lips
  • Milestone: Signed with Women Management in Milan (2010)
  • Magazines - Appeared In: French Vogue, i-D, Italian Vogue, Numéro, Japanese Vogue, Love, V, Chinese Vogue [Source]
  • Runway and Ad Campaigns: Givenchy presentation in New York, fall Givenchy couture presentation in Paris, Calvin Klein show in New York, spring MaxMara show in Milan, spring Christian Dior and Valentino couture shows in Paris, Jill Stuart spring ad campaign, and much more
  • Hobbies: Ballet and Modern Dance
Side Note: I was fixated on Shot #3 (black and white image) -- and had to feature Daphne!

VIDEO - Daphne Groeneveld, New York Fashion Week FW 2012-13

Photo Credit: | Source:

Friday, January 13, 2012

On My Desk (Today): Magazines, Water & Other Necessities

Magazine Chat! Marie Claire? Check. A couple issues of US Weekly? Check. Water? Check. Scissors for clipping articles? Check. Pink Sharpie? Check. And if you're wondering what the ruler is for...I use it as a bookmark, don't ask.

Sharing Is Caring. Everyone's talking about resolutions for the New Year, so I will share one of mine. Ready? I ditched my morning cup of hot coffee entirely, and now drinking about 4(ish) bottles of water a day, which is almost the recommended eight glasses — go resolutions! But I'm secretly praying that I don't give in to the caffeine.

Spotlight On A Great Cause
Now, back to magazine chat. I usually indulge in Marie Claire, but definitely made sure to pick-up this month's issue as the following demanded my attention: Buy this issue & a donation goes to women in need. What a neat marketing tactic! You got my support, Marie ;)

Photo Credit:

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Look of the Day: Kourtney Kardashian

Photo Credit: Lucky Magazine

Rumor has it that the Kardashian sisters will be featured on the cover of Lucky magazine in November. All three sisters will have their very own separate cover. Honestly, I don't care what anyone says...these girls are doing one thing: winning

Photo Credit: celebuzz
Kourtney, Khloe and Kim look FAB (right); however, I'm loving Kourtney's full, high-waisted black skirt and black/white striped long sleeve sweater; it's girly and flirty! Also, Kourt accessorizes with splashes of color via her bangles, rings, and earrings. (Not a fan of the earrings.)

Kourt's look is totally attainable and consists of figure-flattering pieces.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

My September Issues.

My September Issues: 2009
My September Issues: 2010
My September Issues: 2011

The Diary of a Certified Magazine Junkie

Some people collect coins, I guess I collect magazines...? And to call myself a "magazine junkie" is definitely an understatement.

For years I've had plenty subscriptions to my favorite magazines: Elle, Essence, Glamour, Harper's Bazaar, InStyle, Lucky, Marie ClaireSelf, StyleWatch, and VogueHowever, about a year ago I cutback on the subscriptions, mainly because I was running out of storage space for my beloved beauties. I have been collecting magazines for several years, and have stored old issues in plastic bins (by magazine, by month) underneath my bed and in the basement. Do you have any idea how many mags were accumulated, like to-date? 

Compromise. Both spring and fall mags are "fashion bibles" updated twice a year—so I settled for collecting all of those issues, as apposed to getting glossies on a monthly basis. This approach is definitely easier on space. But if the cover story is appealing enough, I'll sneak in an issue or two outside of my committed purchasing months. Example: Lady Gaga covered Harper's Bazaar, May 2011: I had to have it.

I get asked a lot, "Nikki, what do you do with all those mags?" Nikki: Aside from reading them (duh), I keep them for future reference. In 2033, I can call them vintage!

Photo Credit: