
Showing posts with label Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quotes. Show all posts

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Kerry Washington: A Woman On The Move With A Purpose. #Isupport

Photo Credit:

I read a lot of celebrity interviews and magazine cover stories. Like a whole lot. I even watch interviews on, specifically listening closely for the dim messages spoken...that essentially highlights the core values of certain celebrities. And whether they consciously intend to elaborate on those values or not — the beliefs are there — really tune in and you'll hear. Based on those values, I will choose whether or not to support the work or brand of an actress, artist, or author. In other words, dope fashion, punchlines and beats will not suffice. What are you really saying? What are you really about?

I look at the total package. I don't focus solely on "what's trending."

Kerry Washington Is The Total Package.
And she's got my undivided attention! Here's why: Kerry Washington (KW) is an actress and activist that devotes a considerable amount of time on making a difference in the world as it relates to diversity, politics, humanity and ending violence against women [Women's Health]Washington's philanthropic passions are consistent and transparent by way of her (acceptance) speeches, which magnifies the beauty of her brand. Moreover, the acting roles she lands compliments a larger vision in terms of female empowerment, especially her starring role in ABC's hit TV series, Scandal, as Olivia Pope. Washington's enormous love and commitment to all-the-above, as well as her great fashion sense, leaves her fans in awe and wanting more. I study celebs with brands that are infused with worldly impact-driven values and endeavors, like KW. Hash tag, #Isupport

Kerry's Stance On (Person)al Style.
Unless you've been living under a rock, I'm sure you've heard of the Met Gala. A sea of fashion enthusiasts have been banging away on computer keys to write about 'failed' fashion on the Red Carpet. C'mon, do we really care that Kim Kardashian allegedly jacked Beyonce's Met Gala look from a billion years ago? And now according to reports, Queen Bey allegedly has been copying Jelena Karleusa's style for a hot minute. (Jelena, who?) 

Are you guys really wow'ed by this stuff? Kerry and I are not. Hash tag, #EndRant.

Washington was recently quoted in a mainstream fashion magazine 'on style' specifically on criticism. As a result, my admiration and respect for KW tripled. Hash tag, #Isupport.

"I don't like this thing about who got it right and who got it wrong, because we're not all trying to be the same person." - Kerry Washington

Kerry's right: We're not all trying to be the same. Let's remember that :)

Photo Credit:

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Style Resolution To Adopt In The New Year. Grab A Pen & Paper!

Photo Credit: Teen Vogue
Dear, You 'n You. Here's a fun and simple yet necessary style resolution by (self-proclaimed TV Junkie) Romy Oltuski, Assistant Features Editor at Harper's Bazaar:
"I resolve to really edit my closet. It’s time to wear those old favorites or finally let them go." [Source]
Okay it's time to fess up. Now, how many of you own clothes that you haven't worn in months or even years—clothes that you've tucked away in the very back of your closet or at the bottom of your dresser drawer? I'll bet several of you know exactly what I'm talking about. And that's OK. But challenge yourself to take action in the new year; be inspired by Romy's awesome resolution and vow to edit your stylish hearts out.

I organize and edit my closet a few times a year and it's like my birthday, or better yet, it's like Christmas morning! No really. A few of my FAB favorite pieces always seem to resurrect. In terms of "the edit," I put on my style editor thinking cap in efforts to explore how-to wear the oldies (but goodies) in fresh, exciting new ways.

Earlier, I mentioned that Romy's resolution is fun and simple yet necessary. It's fun and simple, because I image myself as Carrie Bradshaw in the Sex And The City closet dress-up scene: I blast my favorite wild and crazy playlist (that includes 7/11 by Beyoncé) literally trying on all of my oldest treasures...deciding what to 'take or toss.' It's a party, indeed. Take a peek at the video below and you'll understand my joy regarding Carrie B. 

And last but certainly not least, the necessary part is important as well...

Photo Credit: Google
Yes, I do come across pieces that I know I'd never wear again. So as I'm dancing and trying on this and that, I sort through and set aside piles of [those pieces] that have exhausted its time with me and I donate the clothes, accessories too, that are in decent condition. Learn about where you can donate via a previous post of mine.

By editing your closet: 1. You saved money, because you found (tucked away) pieces that you forgot you even need to run out and buy that sequin blazer. 2. You re-built your wardrobe by styling older pieces in new trendy ways. 3. You made room in your closet (for that new spring jacket!), due to the piles of clothes that you've donated.

I'm one of those gals who enjoys reading resolutions for the new year. I get inspired by all the optimist goal-setting. Besides, sharing your aspirations will inspire someone out there, somewhere, to try something new. Also, sharing visions of the revised you will help others to understand you as an individual with an evolving mind and sense of self.

How cool is that?

My message to you: Never stop dreaming. Never stop believing. Never stop setting goals. Wishing you all a super adventurous your newly favorite edited outfits! 

XoXo :) nikki

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Friday, November 28, 2014

Perspective on (Person)al Style

"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you," says Oprah

Photo Credit: nikkistyle
When I think about what excites me since I was a little girl...I think about my 3Cs: colors, concepts and creativity. Therefore, I was sort of destined to fancy the arts, such as fashion and beauty. Both are means to explore who you are, or who you want to be. In other words, the canvas is totally blank—so you can freely express the true you, which is stimulating, and more importantly, subjective. The journey of discovering (person)al style is absolutely fascinating and it energizes the soul.

Confession: I use blogging as a platform to share tidbits that will motivate my readers to have fun while experimenting with this FAB thing we call style. And no, style is not solely about designer shoes and handbags and perfect Saturday selfies, it's more than that. Style illustrates the essence of your authentic self on this earth, from the way you wear your clothes, to the way you speak, to the way you move, to the way you respond to situations. All these elements create a concoction that ultimately forms your (person)al and individual style, especially in a media-saturated era. Sure I read the latest trends and such (Remember, I'm a magazine junkie.), but I don't let them set limits and hinder what I believe style to be. "Different strokes for different folks"; I understand that phrase to its core and aim to provide consultancy services, on a freelance basis, to strengthen personal and company brands. I am excited by my ability to detect the uniqueness of a person, place or thing. Thus, I am thankful to focus and work on super cool branding and writing projects that I wholeheartedly back and believe in.

What does style mean to you?

Photo Credit: 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sarah Jessica Parker Doesn't Understand 'Mean Girls'

Photo Credit:

“I can’t STAND [it] when women say UNFRIENDLY things to other women. WHY does it have to be like that?” — Sarah Jessica Parker

Dear Sarah Jessica,  
The fact that women can be so cruel and unsupportive towards one another is unfortunately the norm and has been for decades. Thanks to social media, hurtful commentary has only skyrocketed because it is wicked easy to 'bump them gums' anonymously. Though admittedly, I've seen considerable improvement by way of well-known women in media promoting sisterhood, like Tyra Banks and Love In The City's Chenoa Maxwell
However, unfriendliness, as you say, will continue to suck the life out of humanity if women do not seek understanding as it pertains to their own insecurities (first) — fix or accept them — and perhaps some of the negative energy that is clogging up the universe will start to fade. A lack of self-awareness, I believe, is a mental sickness that hinders ones ability to grow, prosper, and see/accept the inner and surface beauty in others. Eckhart Tolle's thoughts on awareness is brilliant, and I invite all to read a few lines.
Photo Credit: Pinterest
In closing, no, it doesn't have to [be like that] Sarah Jessica; the act of kindness starts with self: I learned that kindness is infectious, yep. And I never hesitate to congratulate another female on a job-well-done, or stop her in the streets to tell her she's absolutely gorgeous. Those exchanges will not only spread like wildflowers, but will create room for new friendships. 
Thanks for asking the question, Sarah Jessica, it's an important one. So, Ladies of the World, will you join the #Kind campaign?
Being "kind" upgrades personal style adding just a simple touch of unforgettable awesomeness to any outfit — an accessory that's always on-trend;) nikki
Source: The Edit

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Woman Behind Super Soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey {Inspiration}

O magazine, April 2014
Today I am sharing one of my favorite quotes by Oprah  Winfrey about passion. Some people that [I've come into contact with] are reserved when talking about their dreams and aspirations. Perhaps fearful? Truthfully, I find it refreshing to either discuss or discover with family and friends...their true passion...and believe that relationships deepen tremendously.

 “You've got to follow your passion. You've got to figure out what it is you love--who you really are. And have the courage to do that. I believe that the only courage anybody ever needs is the courage to follow your own dreams.” —Oprah 

Lesson Learned: Have open discussions with yourself or with others about what it is that YOU really want in life. I learned that in order to follow your passion you must step outside of your comfort zone. Take calculated risks! The unknown can be scary yet liberating at the same time. Girlfriends, new experiences are priceless. xx :) -ns

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Betsey Johnson Pays Homage To The "Pretty Woman" At #NYFW

Runway Notes! Spotted: A Pretty Woman-inspired look on Betsey Johnson's vivacious FW/14 runway. I mean, did you expect anything less dramatic from Johnson? Ah, please. The seasoned fashion designer is always pushing industry limits whilst embracing the "fashion is freedom of expression" philosophy. Obvs!

"Hard times always lead to something great." -Betsey

Pretty Woman (1990)
Photo Credit:

 Pretty Woman REMIXED(2014)
Photo Credit:

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Diversity On The Runway FW/14

Photo Credit:

A "Promising" New York Fashion Week Observation! There is certainly a lot of fun and creativity on the FW/14 runways. But, I particularly noticed racial DIVERITY, and I am wholeheartedly ecstatic! From  Lisa Perry, to Mara Hoffman, to Monique Lhuillier, to Tess Giberson, to Thakoon, to Tracy Reese and more—many of us witnessed, first-hand, women of color confidently stopping the runways in New York City. Could it be that the industry is finally realizing that fashion IS diversity? Personally, I think the industry is beginning to warm up more to the idea. I get it, baby steps. However, let us keep in mind not to judge a book merely by its cover. Fashion Designer, Tracy Reese, believes that there is plenty to be done behind the scenes (AP, 2014). Now I'm a bit curious: Reese's statement left me wondering how it really is for women of color off the runway. 

Photo Credit: mbfashionweek
"I think by saying that diversity is beautiful, that is a beginning, to look at all people and to see the beauty in each of us and their value is a very strong beginning. It's important to keep the conversation going, then people will start to broaden their vision." -TR

*Not Just About The Runway* Reese (TR) goes on to say that "there are so many amazing jobs in the fashion industry as a whole. It's not all about design. We need great PR people of color, for one. That's a very non-diverse group. It's all facets of the industry that have to be addressed." -TR

Colorful Runways
Lisa Perry

Mara Hoffman

Monique Lhuillier

Nicole Miller

Tess Giberson


Tracy Reese

Vera Wang

Vivienne Tam

Zac Posen

Photo Credit: All Runway Photos - Source

Monday, September 2, 2013

#NYFW Kick-Off: Michael Kors Expands Brand, Adding Color and Scents!

Photo Credit: Business of Fashion

Runway Notes! Like Tory Burch, Fashion Designer, Michael Kors will expand his brand to develop "lifestyle" products (specifically, color cosmetics and fragrances): "Beauty is always such an important part of my runway. When we put on a fashion show — after this many years — I’ve learned the layers and the steps. When I first start thinking mood of the season, beauty is part of it from the start," says Michael Kors.

Kors spoke with The Associated Press about the expansion: 
Q: How is the process different for you in developing beauty products versus clothing and accessories? 
A: With accessories and clothes, first I have to fall in love with whatever it is, but then I get practical. Is the bag too heavy? Can you wear a bra with the dress? With beauty, it’s more of a quick mood check. … It’s more gut. Immediately, if I smell something and it’s evocative, I go with it. What takes so long is the packaging. 
Q: What about beauty products? 
A: When you buy something beauty, whether it’s a lipstick, nail polish or a new fragrance, it’s not a long shopping period. You either buy it or not. A perfume should take you away quickly — there’s no trying on pants with a shoe, rolling the jean just right, pretending you have heels on when you try on a skirt. 
Q: If women can get a pick-me-up from a new lipstick, how can you get that same quick fashion fix? 
A: Considering I wear the same thing almost every day, there’s not much I can do. For many men, the quick fix is the tie, and I don’t wear a tie, so I change my aviators (sunglasses). I’ll change the scale and color, whether it’s vintage leather, gunmetal or gold, that’s my mood quick-changer. 
Q: There are three types of muses for your three new perfumes, Sexy, Sporty and Glam. Who are they? 
A: There’s the “sexy,” who is all about confidence. She’s not naked, she could be in jeans or a gown, but she’s sexy. There’s “sporty,” the woman who could be headed to the red carpet or the gym, but she’s the type who just goes. And there’s “glam,” who likes to be the center of attention. 
Q: Did you have any of your famous friends in mind when you were making them? 
Runway Flashback via Fab TV 
A: I have a cast of characters that float by me, sometimes a friend, someone I work with, sometimes celebrity clients — all people who have those moods. For sporty, it’s Blake Lively — can’t you see her surfing and putting on a gown? Or Gwyneth (Paltrow) with her hair yanked back in a pony? Sexy is Angelina Jolie or Rihanna. They exude confidence. And then there’s the glamorous Jennifer Lopez. She’s never a wallflower. She goes big or goes home.
Q: Do you relate more to any one of the personas? 
A: I’m sporty by nature in that I’m relaxed. I don’t like to be stiff, but I’m the most uncoordinated sporty person. Roger Federer and I won’t be playing sporty tennis anytime soon. [Source: The Kansas City Star]

Monday, June 17, 2013

10 Best-Dressed Newswomen: Whoops! Vanity Fair Forgot To Mention One Other Woman

Photo Credit: HuffPost Style

Talk Back! Last weekend, I peep'd Vanity Fair's 10 Best-Dressed Newswomen round-up [source], which lacked diversity by the way (no surprise). Women such as, Barbara Walters, Megyn Kelly, Katie Couric, Diane Sawyer, Mika Brzezinski, Savannah Guthrie, Elizabeth Vargas, Tamron Hall (only African-American listed), Margaret Brennan, and Natalie Morales -- made the list. Congrats! Honestly, all 10 newswomen are beautiful with great personal style; however, I was surprised not to see Ann Curry in the line-up. Curry's fashion choices grabs my attention -- with her comfy, professional, fun and youthful looks -- which are exceptionally color-coordinated-to-perfection. 

"I choose to fill my days with what I'm passionate about, and live with purpose." -Ann  

Below are some style moments demonstrating that Curry is winning in the style department, and should be on any 'best-dressed newswomen' list:


Photo Credit: The Blush

Monday, April 29, 2013

Take Note, This Is Important...

Photo Credit:
vulnerabilities in social media:
Social media is a powerful tool that can be used for good, and which can easily turn to evil by our very own laziness to verify what we’re posting. [Source: PR Newswire]
In a nutshell, slowdown and verify the facts before re-posting and/or re-tweeting. I make an effort to always fact-check, and refuse to cosign on something (seen via social media) without feeling some level of certainty that the information isn't bogus. That's all.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Rachel Roy Launches Digital Magazine

Photo Credit:

Boss Lady Inspiration! I love Rachel Roy's social media presence, and overall marketing strategies (Yes, I'm paying close attention to the folks that handle their online image, well.) Miss. Fashion Designer-Extraordinaire is owning it.

"Design the life you want to live." -Rachel Roy

Rachel Roy recently launched a Digital Magazine called, The Lifeshe is slated to discuss an array of relevant lifestyle topics from fashion, to beauty, to philanthropy and everything in betweena definite must-read. Roy is the "perfect" mentor and should be recognized and admired for many thingsin addition to her talent for designing sharp clothing. Rachel is a polished businesswoman, a dynamic public speaker, a philanthropist, and wonderful mother. And, she gives great advice. Rachel, you seriously rock! 

Source: VIBE Vixen | Follow Me on Twitter: @nikkistyle

Thursday, January 12, 2012

"Bohemian Punk"

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Alexander McQueen via Elle
Style Notes | Over the years, I would jot down fashion words and phrases that might describe my signature style. And recently, while browsing Elle's Web site, I saw the term "Bohemian Punk" and thought: Ah yes ... that's it! The look demonstrates the compilation of trendy, chic, comfortable pieces—and yes—"geometric patterns, shells, skulls, and chains," according to Elle. Very nikkistyle!

I try never to play-it-safe in regards to my overall style. My clothing, shoes, jewelry, handbags, and even hair accessories, gotta have a hint of the "Wow!" factor. 

What's YOUR signature style? Tweet me at @nikkistyle, or leave a comment. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Anna Wintour On British Fashion...

Style Notes | "I think that's what's so great about British fashion, they always have a sense of humor and that's something we could afford to have a little bit more of here in the States," says Wintour during LFW. [Source]

ah-ha! I knew Miss. Wintour had some spunk in herand not a total ice princess that most people seem to think she is. Come on now ... look at that bubbly smile! 

Photo Credit: Zimbio

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Open Letter To Chad Ochocinco Regarding, THIS SHOE!

Style Notes |
NFL wide receiver, Chad Ochocinco, posted this image via his
Twitter page and commented, "Ladies - you got to be a bad mofo to pull these off..." And my response is this: "Child please, I was born to wear these." Signed, Nikki.

Tip: Do not over-accessorize if you're bold enough to wear this shoe; all that letter detailing and fire engine red will make the intended fashion statement ... that you're bad! 

Photo Credit: Twitter

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lovely Lola.

Photo Credit: Material World
Style Notes | That's Lola! [Madonna's daughter] She is so flippin' gorgeous, isn't she? And looking just like her mama! I especially love her dark hair and defined facial features. However, Lola thinks it's time for a new look. 

In a recent blog post Lola writes: "I don’t know if any of you saw my hair yet but its mad dark right at the moment, I’m almost sick of it and now I want royal blue hair but not a streak, like my entire head."