
Showing posts with label nikkistyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nikkistyle. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Print Media Still Has A Pulse: September Issues On Newsstands

Photo credit:

September's Trending! The other day me and probably 99.9 percent of the fashion industry scurried to pick-up every September issue pertaining to style and beauty. We've been also "liking" photo-after-photo on Instagram of fashion enthusiasts proudly showing off their stacks. September issues are generally finger-licking thick, and consists of overwhelming amounts of ads and free sample perfume scents. Speaking of size, Self is the thinnest magazine in my pile. (Ha!) Pun intended, or nah?  

Photo Credit: Google
I spend a lot of time studying and analyzing content and creative direction. Like reading, it's my way to escape into the creative minds of brilliant individuals in the world. Sometimes I'm so wow'ed by an ad -- that I fixate on it and often wonder what the brainstorming session(s) was like -- to produce such a magnificent concept. I'm a geek like that! Also, I have a keen eye for good journalism and do read selected stories (what's left of them), as well as stay on top of emerging runway and pop culture fashion trends.

Print's Alive. Come. On. I know I'm not the only one that enjoys the hands-on experience of touching and reading a magazine while sipping a latte...and clipping outfits to post on (mood) bulletin boards...and bookmarking articles using colorful post-it sticky notes. Right? Well. Let us be sure to bask in these moment, because the conversation about whether or not print media is dying a slow death is still up for debate.

"Print vs. Digital" talks are interesting as it relates to evolution, for sure. However, we must consider the consumer in efforts to keep a thoughtful, sustainable balance: Not every reader has the means to purchase, nor has access to, technology. And (holy catastrophe) what if the world goes dark for weeks with no electricity and mobile data - then what?

Dear Publishing Industry: We can't go full-blown digital yet; we're not ready on so many levels. Disclaimer: I'm not bias and this is not an attempt to save print. Okay, yeah it is.


Photo Credit: Root Studio (Print vs. Digital), Mind Your Black Business (Infographic)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter Sunday.

Photo Credit:

Happy Easter Sunday, Lovies! 

In my basket, all the eggs are pink and purple and includes a copy of InStyle, British Edition, the April '15 issue. 

Surprise, surprise. Hehe...

So—I'm in the midst of creating an editorial calendar i.e. new content for And the mission to inspire (person)al style and individualism will remain a goal, I pinky swear!

In the interim, if you want to pull together a stylish Easter outfit and need an idea, click here to read a past post of mine. Also, I share a sea of visuals, style tips, and tricks via Tumblr

Enjoy! XoXo —nikki | @nikkistyle on Twitter

Monday, March 2, 2015

My Mini Mention Makes Glamour!

Note-To-Yourself! When you pick up your copy of Glamour magazine's March issue (yes, when), be sure to flip to page 64 and check-out my mini mention!!!

Seriously. I'm obsessing over a) How awesome it truly is to be mentioned via the spring issue of a major fashion magazine—however small the mention. b) To see my name only pages away from 50 Shades' Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan. Hello? c) To publicly express my love for America's Sweetheart, Reese. Pretty historic. HeHe...

In any event, this is a friendly reminder that very cool people are certainly watching and reading your twitter timeline. With that said, tweet to impress! Opportunity knocks! ;)

Updated 3/3/15 at 9:00 PM:
"Magazine Industry Boasts 10.1% Rise in Readership. For women’s fashion and beauty magazines, the largest audience for the six months was Cosmopolitan (30 million), followed by Glamour (18.3 million)." [Source

Photo Credit: Glamour magazine, March 2015, Page 64
Photo Credit: nikki via Twitter

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Too Many Magazines. What To Do? FAB Readers, YIKES, Help Me Out.

Photo Credit:
Brainstorming! I have 7 years worth of magazines, yes seven. That's a whole lot of time to be collecting something; what you see in the [image above] is not even a 1/4.

I started to, unintentionally, build a magazine collection around the same time I started blogging about fashion, style, and beauty. Magazine articles and images gave me inspiration for new blog posts, encouraged me to stay current with what's trending, what's hot, what's not, as well as allowed me to gain a better understanding about the publishing industry as a whole. I enjoyed staying in-the-know regarding staff movement (i.e. new EICs, new editors, new writers, new contributors, etc.), and still do! Furthermore, it's really interesting to learn how readers respond to selected mag content, via social media.

Photo Credit: Social Ribbit
But I'm faced with having to make a decision: What should I do with all these magazines? Sure, I will certainly continue to store the glossies that I know I will refer back to which consist of my fave articles and cover stories. But other than that, what do I do with the rest? I thought about charity, or giving some to a University—ugh I just want to see my beloved magazines be put to good use. So, I'm making it my mission to figure out a plan: And I'll create a mind-map to help me brainstorm ;)

Aside from recycling and creating personal collages and vision boards, what have you done with your old(er) magazines? 

Talk to me: , or @nikkistyle
Photo Credit:
Related Posts:

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Beauty Must-Have: Blue Mascara

Psst! Did you hear? Blue mascara is a beauty must-have for spring - it's darn electrifying!

Blue mascara is my go-to evening eye-enhancer; it's a fierce color splash for sure! And to accomplish the look, I use Maybelline's Great Lash product in royal blue. Additionally, I meticulously line my upper eyelids with liquid black eyeliner for a dramatic look.

Are you feeling blue? Tell me on Twitter: @nikkistyle

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Woman Behind Super Soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey {Inspiration}

O magazine, April 2014
Today I am sharing one of my favorite quotes by Oprah  Winfrey about passion. Some people that [I've come into contact with] are reserved when talking about their dreams and aspirations. Perhaps fearful? Truthfully, I find it refreshing to either discuss or discover with family and friends...their true passion...and believe that relationships deepen tremendously.

 “You've got to follow your passion. You've got to figure out what it is you love--who you really are. And have the courage to do that. I believe that the only courage anybody ever needs is the courage to follow your own dreams.” —Oprah 

Lesson Learned: Have open discussions with yourself or with others about what it is that YOU really want in life. I learned that in order to follow your passion you must step outside of your comfort zone. Take calculated risks! The unknown can be scary yet liberating at the same time. Girlfriends, new experiences are priceless. xx :) -ns

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Color Of The Moment: Emerald Green

Photo Credit:
Color Crushin' It dawned on me that I am totally crushing on a color that I would wear year-round not just seasonal, or because it is on-trend. The color  that I'm stalking is emerald green; it's such a powerful shade -- compliments my skin tone quite well and really brightens up my overall appearance. Aside from yellow, emerald green is my happy color. Do You Have a Go-To Color? Tell me on Twitter.

Below is a tunic via ModCloth similar to the one I am wearing above, except my blouse is 100% sheer w/green buttons. 

Photo Credit: ModCloth

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year. Fresh Start.

Photo Credit:
Happy New Year

My New Year’s resolutions are straightforward: 
a) to explore the unknown b) to stay innovative c) to skydive and d) to embrace my challenges not complain about them. 

 A Personal Development Coach told me earlier this year to surround myself with individuals who share similar interests as well as values—to not lower my standards for the sake of “fitting in” with those who have no standards—or lack thereof. So, I listened, and thankful that I did.

 From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely wish you all the opportunity to bathe in passion in 2014! Do what you love. xx -ns

Saturday, November 30, 2013

The "Good" Citizen :) 'Tis The Season To Donate Used/Not-So-Used Goods

Photo Credit:

Life & Style Notes! I spent a chunk of time yesterday reorganizing my closet and parting ways with things that I haven't worn, or used in forever. If I haven't touched something in my closet in the last 3 years (excluding vintage), I will most likely sever ties. For example, I've been holding on to a red Baby Phat clutch for several years -- need I say more? That said, I never throw things away as someone else could possibly use them.

Photo Credit:
Dress For Success Charity Drive
Donating to charity is one of my civic duties... organizations like Dress for Success will accept clothing donations at affiliate locations around the world, specifically business attire and accessories for disadvantage women who aspire to thrive in the business world. Moreover, earlier this year, Elle published a fab list of places to donate clothing, and I encourage you all to take a look! Honestly, I never understood why/how people could trash perfectly good clothes. C'mon. Really? Simply box them up ... D O N A T E

Monday, August 12, 2013

You Can Wear Animal Print To Work, And I've Got The 'How-To' Formula!

Photo Credit:
Style Notes! I work in a business casual environment -- and am always looking for ways to incorporate my favorite weekend pieces into my work wardrobe. (If you're a reader of my blog...then you know I love transitional pieces!) For example, animal print clothing and accessories can be loud and a bit obnoxious, especially in the workplace. Here's a noteworthy tip: tone-it-down. Last week, I wore a strapless knee-length animal print dress coupled with a yellow cardigan, and went to work feeling stylishly appropriate.

Photo Credit:
I've said time and time again...animal print can be all types of tacky if not styled correctly. If you want to  wear animal print anything to work, tone down other elements (nails, hair, shoes); have them appear soft—in color and texturein efforts to obtain the right balance. Otherwise, you'll look a bit hooch...and that's not preferable, I'm sure. Now don't get me wrong, some co-workers might give you props for your dare devil style, but I guarantee you that most will not be calling you a "professional colleague" anytime soon. So, just remember one thing: think balance when wearing animal print to work. In other words, offset the vulgarity (animal print) by mixing with simple, solid yet feminine colors.

In addition to yellow, I soOo like to pair animal print with basic and neutral colors, such a dark green, warm brown, nude, deep purple; and classic black and royal blue, too! Share your tips for wearing animal print to work, either below in the comment section, or on Twitter!

Color Chart - Mix 'n Blend

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Joanna Coles 'Favorites' My Tweets!

Click Image To Enlarge

Mag Notes! Cosmopolitan's Editor-In-Chief, Joanna Coles, favorites not one, but two of my tweets! Woo-hoo! As a certified magazine junkie, (a.k.a. aspiring content editing "guru") I'm geek'ed. I'm 100% inspired by magazine editors and news anchors.

Photo Credit:
In any event, there's been a lot of buzz about Coles' push to talk politics at Cosmo, which is FAB, I think. I love reading about style, sex and stuff, but am always excited to see editors raise the bar in terms of content diversity. Moreover, the general population, especially the younger generation, should have access to thought-provoking articles produced by mainstream media. Looking back several years ago (naive and all), I've encountered many situations with a political spin, some unbearable, whether at work or in my personal life  it would've been cool to have been more informed in efforts to confidently address those unbearable moments. 
“I really want Cosmo as a magazine to be more involved in political issues. We’re the biggest read magazine — literally — in the world and I think it’s very important that we stay on top of political issues that impact young women: Health care, gun violence, the wage gap, how do we close it. These are all issues that I’m personally passionate about,” says Coles. [Source]
Joanna Coles, Cosmo's Editor-In-Chief
Photo Credit:

Related Post on nikkistyle

Monday, April 29, 2013

Take Note, This Is Important...

Photo Credit:
vulnerabilities in social media:
Social media is a powerful tool that can be used for good, and which can easily turn to evil by our very own laziness to verify what we’re posting. [Source: PR Newswire]
In a nutshell, slowdown and verify the facts before re-posting and/or re-tweeting. I make an effort to always fact-check, and refuse to cosign on something (seen via social media) without feeling some level of certainty that the information isn't bogus. That's all.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Weekend Shopping: A Ton of Tees

Photo Credit:
Style Notes! I think spring is finally here to stay. And so, today I went to the mall to buy tons of V-Neck T-Shirts ("Tees") -- some solid colors (black, grey, green); some graphic.

Get a simple staple tee—and pull together an effortlessly cool and relaxed outfit. Some days I just want to kick it (shop, go to a game) in comfortable clothing: I typically pair my tees with preppy boat shoes, and with one of the many cute skirts in my closet! xx :-) ns   

What did you buy this weekend? Tell me on Twitter

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New Books Arrived! Time. To. Read.

New Book Club Books! See, I read more than just fashion magazines. Truthfully, I love to consume all types of content. My God. And not just read for the sake of reading. I like to invite a few friends to read the same books as I—in hopes of discussing our "takeaway," which is 100 percent intellectually stimulating. Reading IS discovery!

Over the next month or so I'll be reading the following books: 

What ARE YOU reading these days? Tell me on Twitter :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day! xoxo :)

Photo Credit: alice + olivia

Psst, click the photo to enlarge! I love it! ;)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

So, what IS nikkistyle™?

Photo Credit: nikkistyle™
Mind Mapping! As I think back to (January) 2010 when was created, I smile with joy and satisfaction. My mission was/is simple: To blog and showcase a variety of fashion, style and beauty (in first-person). I wanted an exclusive platform to jot down [my personal] commentary as well as to inspire youthe readers—to embrace, create and/or re-create your personal style. I wanted to inspire you to take a chance and play with fashion, whether it be in public, or at home in front of a mirror.

Today I reflect on what nikkistyle™ represents in efforts to clearly think about-and articulate next steps (for building...the brand?) eeck! I can't believe I just mentioned the word: brand. That's a bit scary yet exciting at the same time, but [I am] looking forward to what's in store. Perhaps more creative consulting? Perhaps writing a fashion column (for Marie Claire, LOL)? Perhaps blogging for reputable style and beauty Websites? Perhaps developing and editing content for magazines? 

Photo Credit: PowerScore
Well. I do know one thing. The wheels are starting to turn faster; check out my mind map above :)

Are you starting to think more about branding, too? Share your story with me: 

Follow me on Pinterest | Follow me on Tumblr |  Follow me on Twitter | Contact me via E-mail

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Photo Credit: Google

Wishing all the fashion bloggers, fashion writers, fashion editors, fashion readers (OF THE WORLD!) a very successful New Year! Cheers! 
xx nikki :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

An Accessories Line?

My Necklace, I Love It!

Daydreaming! Psst! Posted the above image via Instagram on Friday, and it seriously got me thinking. (I would love to design my own accessories line one day.)

Forever "Favorited" Tweet
Specifically, I am obsessed with bold statement necklaces + heavenly handbags + "one of a kind" exotic rings — and I am forever browsing retail stores and vintage boutiques for amazingly cool pieces. I think I would initially begin this journey by making Do-It-Yourself (DIY) accessories for myself ... and then see what kind of feedback I receive. Eek!? 

Have you been daydreaming, too? Tell me about it on Twitter; @reply me. I'll be waiting...

Photo Credit:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Au revoir, Summer Colors

Photo Credit:

Photo Credit:
Style Notes | Like most nail polish fanatics, I am flipping through fashion glossies (i.e. September issuestrying to decide on this fall's signature colors. I mainly rocked pink, green, and blue shades over the summer. However, as the season changes, I am making a few adjustments of my own, as I hunt for a color or two that's new, fresh, and completely different from what I'm used to wearing.

Color Trends, Fall 2012 A variety of nail colors are trending this fall, such as dark shades, navy blue, teal, purple, cocoa hues, metallics, gray, burnish and "blood" reds, classic nude, and the list goes on, and on. And with a gazillion colors to choose from -- I'll just try colors I like.

Nail colors that compliment my caramel skin tone (as well as my outfits of choice!) will be my priority -- even if the decided upon signature colors are not on-trend. Still, I do glimpse the trend reports for cool ideas: The Ultimate Fall 2012 Nail Polish Guide

Re-capping: My 2012 Summer Colors

Be the first to know what nail colors I'm flaunting this fall, and subscribe to this site, or you may friend me on Twitter.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Cool Closet Organizational Tip, Called "Shoe Stacking"

Photo Credit: Lavish Lyfe
Notes By Nikki! I enjoy trying new ways to better maximize closet space, and would like to share an organizational tip with you.

When the shoe sales associate asks me at the register, "Would you like to keep the box?" My response was "no" most of the time, because I wanted to see my shoes lined up in the closet (Exhibit A), or alongside the bedroom wall. I believed that the approach gave me quick visual access to shoes I wanted to wear, daily.

But then space became scarce due to the accumulation of new shoes bought each season, and the unforgiving dust bunnies started to move in. Not cool.

Exhibit A.
Photo Credit: theyhyperbalist

Therefore, in efforts to maximize space, and to keep my beloved shoe collection looking brand new for many more seasons to come, especially the suede ones, I took note of a wonderful tip: Shoe Stacking...using inexpensive clear plastic bins (Exhibit B).

Exhibit B.
Photo Credit: Dressed Her Days Vintage

Photo Credit:
I do keep some of the original shoe boxes if I can identify which stilettos, wedges, flats, flip flops, sneakers are in the box from the outside, but certainly have adopted the clear plastic container method as well -- since you can actual see the shoe in the box. Though, selected shoe boxes are meant to be kept regardless, such as my Fergalicious boot box (right). After all, the red splashes of detail are pretty electrifying!

Check back for more of my favorite organizational tips. Share your faves, too!